Tuesday, October 6, 2009



Asbestosis is a respiratory disease that results from inhaling asbestos fibers, where the lungs are formed extensive scarring.

Asbestos fibers composed of silicate minerals with different chemical composition. If inhaled, asbestos fibers settle in the lungs, causing scarring.
Inhaling asbestos can also cause thickening of the pleura (the membrane lining the lungs).

Inhaling asbestos fibers can cause the formation of scar tissue (fibrosis) in the lungs.
Lung tissue that forms the fibrosis can not expand and deflate properly. Weighing the disease depends on the duration of exposure and the number of fibers inhaled.

Asbestos exposure can be found in the mining and milling industries, construction and other industries.
Exposure to asbestos workers' families can also occur from particles brought home on the clothing workers.

Diseases caused by asbestos include:
Pleural plaques (calcification)
Malignant Mesotelioma
Pleural effusion.
Mesotelioma can occur within 20-40 years after exposure.

Cigarette smoking causes increased risk of asbestos related diseases.
Figures are for 4 events among 10,000 people.

Asbestosis Symptoms appear gradually and only emerged only after the formation of scar tissue in large quantities and the lungs lose elasticity.

The first symptoms are shortness of breath, light and reduced ability to exercise.
Around 15% of patients, will experience severe shortness of breath and respiratory failure.

Heavy smokers with chronic bronchitis and Asbestosis, will suffer from cough and asthma.
Inhaling asbestos fibers can sometimes cause the gathering of fluid in the space between the membranes that line the lungs. Although rare, asbestos can cause tumors in the pleura or mesotelioma called on the stomach lining called the peritoneal mesotelioma.

Mesotelioma caused by asbestos malignancy and can not be cured.
Mesotelioma generally appear stelah exposed krokidolit, one of the 4 types of asbestos.
Amosite, the other types, also causing mesotelioma.
Krisotil may not cause mesotelioma but sometimes contaminated by tremolit which can cause mesotelioma.
Mesotelioma usually occurs after exposure for 30-40 years.

Lung cancer will occur in people who also smoke Asbestosis, especially those who smoke more than 1 (one) pack a day.

Other symptoms that may be found:
- Cough
- Tightness in the chest
- Chest pain
- Nail abnormalities or clubbing of fingers (the fingers of the hand that resembles a drum percussion).

On physical examination with a stethoscope, the sound will be heard ronki
To confirm the diagnosis, usually made following examination:
Chest X-rays
Tests of lung function
Lung CT scan.

Supportive treatment to overcome the symptoms that arise is to remove the mucus / phlegm from the lung through postural drainage procedures, chest percussion and vibration.
Inhaler was given to thin the mucus.
May need to be given oxygen, either through the front shield (mask) or through a plastic tube that is placed in the nostrils.

Sometimes performed lung transplants.
Mesotelioma fatal, chemotherapy is not much useful and tumor removal does not cure cancer.

Asbestosis can be prevented by reducing levels of asbestos fibers and dust in the work environment.
Since the industrial use of asbestos dust control is done, now who are suffering fewer Asbestosis, but mesotelioma still occur in people who had been exposed 40 years ago.

To reduce the risk of lung cancer, to the workers associated with asbestos, it is recommended to quit smoking.

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