Pikofir very good for people with heart disease or patients with a pacemaker though. Pikofir it is health and therapy terkomplit, infrared ray therapy Pikofir the same bio-genetic waves with men, and a negative anion therapy is very big, and deodorization therapy, which is always refreshing atmosphere. Pikofir have undergone clinical testing certification is used to secure all, and can be accurate.
Heart disease and stroke is a form of disease that is very frightening. Even now in Indonesia, heart disease ranks first as cause of death.
Heart disease and stroke are often considered to be the monopoly of the parents. Formerly, the diseases suffered by the parents, especially those aged 60 years and over, because age is also one of the factors affected the risk of heart disease and stroke.
But now this trend is also suffered by patients under the age of 40 years. This can occur because of lifestyle changes, particularly on young people in modern urban areas.
When the era of globalization increasingly easy to obtain information, developing countries can immediately imitate western countries customs that are considered modern mirror the pattern of life. A number of behaviors such as consuming food prepared food (fast food) that contain high saturated fat content, smoking habits, alcohol, excessive work, lack of berolah sport, and stress, has become a style of life, especially in urban areas. While all this behavior may be the factors that cause heart disease and stroke.
Risk Factors Heart Disease & Stroke There are various kinds of heart disease, but heart disease is generally ditakuti is due to coronary heart attack at the age of productive and can cause a heart attack and sudden death. The cause of coronary heart disease is the refinement and stoppage coronary arterial duct.
Constriction and coronary arterial duct stoppage caused by the cumulation of oxygen-fat substances (cholesterol, trigliserida) that the longer the more, and accumulate in the bottom layer in most (endotelium) of the carotid wall. This is to reduce or stop the flow of blood to the heart muscle so that the work the heart as blood blower. Dominant effect of coronary heart is losing oxygen and nutrient flow to the heart due to decreased blood to the heart. The formation of arterial plaque in fat will affect the formation of blood clot that will encourage the occurrence of heart attack.
There are four main factors cause heart disease, namely: 1. smoking is too excessive for many years
2. measure of blood fat (cholesterol) is high
3. high blood pressure
4. diabetes
Like heart disease, stroke is also closely related with the disruption of blood vessel. Stroke occurs due to interruption of blood flow to the brain. If there is a lack of regional brain blood supply is suddenly and the nerves of the appropriate brain regions affected. Forms can be paralyzed side (hemiplegia), the reduced strength of the body (hemiparesis), speech disturbances, taste disturbances (sensation) in the skin of the face, arm or leg.
Risk factors for the occurrence of stroke has similarities with the heart disease risk factors, namely: * Smoking
* Hypertension
* High blood fat level
* Diabetes mellitus
* Disturbance vein / heart
* The high number of red blood cells
* Obesity (Obesity)
* Lack of physical activity / sports
* Drink alcohol
* It drugs (Drugs)
Preventing Heart Disease and Stroke with the pattern of Healthy Lifestyle Prevention efforts to avoid heart disease and stroke begins with improving lifestyle and controlling risk factors will reduce the chance of disease is affected.
For the prevention of heart disease & stroke avoid Obesity / overweight and high cholesterol. Start by consuming more vegetables, fruits, grains, and other fibrous food fish. Less meat, snacks (cemilan), and the food berkalori high and contains many other saturated fat. Foods that contain lots of cholesterol buried in the blood vessel walls and cause aterosklerosis which the trigger heart disease and stroke.
Quitting smoking is the target to be achieved, as well as avoiding cigarette smoke from the environment. Smoking causes reduced blood vessel elasticity, thereby increasing blood vessel arterial stiffening, and increase the blood coagulation factors that trigger heart disease and stroke. Smokers have the opportunity infected coronary heart and stroke about two times higher compared with non-smokers.
Reduce alcohol. The more alcohol consumption, then the type of stroke, especially the higher hemoragik. Alcohol can increase blood pressure, weaken the heart, blood coagulate and cause arterial strain.
Make Sports / physical activity. Sports can help reduce body weight, controlling cholesterol level, blood pressure and decrease the risk factors are affected by other heart and stroke
Control high blood pressure and blood sugar. Hypertension is the main factor affected by stroke and coronary heart disease. Diabetes also increases the risk of stroke 1,5-4 times, especially when blood sugar is not restrained.
Avoid the use of prohibited drugs such as heroin, cocaine, amfetamin, because drugs drugs can increase the risk of stroke 7-fold compared with the non-drug users.