The phenomenon of death due to coronary heart attack in the morning or early morning are often heard. Why? Biometeorologi believe the bell biological factors play a role here. Body condition of minutes to hours in a day that change according to the fluctuation of body minutes from month to month. Later, this fact is used to determine how much time should be given drugs so that someone power of medicine can be optimal.
Dr. Robert Moore of the University of California found that the center of the human biological rhythm is located in the suprachiasmatic, ie, the brain nerve fiber in the nerve cross eyes. Experiments on the rat suprachiasmatic it was damaged, apparently indicates that the bioritmik, period-conscious sleep, metabolism, and sexual function that has become garbled. Moore therefore feel confident that the same condition can also occur in humans.
Bioritme human body has a 23 day physical cycle, 28 day emotional cycle, and 33 day cycle acumen. Every year, people can record the daily bioritme to know the down-waves increase in physical, emotional and personal intelligences. The result, it is suggested that important decisions should be done on the day when the waves are the physical and the intellect on the peak and the wave of emotions are on the bottom, for example.
Daily cycle bioritmik determine the condition of each peak and the lowest, so that in the case of the risk of coronary heart fell ill for example, we can more standby and
alert. Research in this field to find, most of the functions of the body after midnight to early morning in the lowest condition.
From day to day condition of the body continues to change. Some of them, at 07.00 after the hormone adrenalin pump escalate causing temperature and heart rate increased. At 08.00 sex hormones are at its peak, at 19:00 bad emotions so easily angry due to hormonal changes the body.
Conditions most of the lowest organ occurs early in the day may explain why heart attack incidents appear more often in the hours that. Allegedly because the heart rate is lower than normal in the early days will reduce the supply of blood to the coronary pipe. When coronary blood supply to feed the heart muscle is reduced this is likely the heart attack occurred immediately killed.
Aberration in the heart of direct killing is silent myocardial ischaemia (SMI). Perhaps the people on this heart attack has repeatedly but never felt direct and eventually killed. One of every four deaths due to heart attack begins with a complaint or symptoms, it is SMI.
Mental activities of peak
Currently in the United States there are 5 million pengidap SMI coronary heart disease. This fact is really worrisome because of the unexpected that appear healthy people suddenly get a heart attack death. Verification can only be ascertained through otopsi that was previously undetected, the damage has occurred in the heart muscle. The cause of death due to total stoppage in the heart tube koronernya.
If coronary heart attack begins with the classic taste of typical chest pain, and then spreading to the shoulders and arms usually appear after heavy work, SMI more often attacked someone on the top of the mental activities of daily activities such as the wheel when the car, reading, or a middle.
Those who have the talent or the offspring of diabetes or high blood are exposed to high-risk coronary heart disease. Similarly, the overweight, had type-A personality (ambitious, temperamental and less patient) or smokers.
In the women, the figure is now far PJK increased compared with the period before many women smokers, drinking pastil KB, and the pattern and lifestyle of modern women's menopause. Blood fat after menopause women tend to be higher than previously so that the risk of exposure to high PJK same with men. In addition there are other factors that can not be ignored, namely stress.
They are high risk should be diligently examined the heart does not even feel there is a complaint. Medication and exercise can reduce risk factors affected by PJK. When you include these groups should be always alert and standby with the anti-seizure medication and try PJK loosen the heavy mental activity during the morning.
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