Currently, coronary heart disease ranks number one cause of death so the world also in Indonesia.
Moreover, at this time in Indonesia have not become more foreign food Fastfood a very high calorie and fat which is one for coronary heart disease, and unfortunately the public is able to receive food and fast food can not be denied because it can be accepted by the people of Indonesia.
Therefore, the need to realize the importance of properly to prevent disease.
Some of the efforts that can be done to prevent coronary heart attack, are:
1. Avoid fatty foods
Foods that have a high level of fat / redundant (such as junk food, sea food, milk-fed high-gorengan frying, etc.) can increase the cholesterol level in blood. Conditions and facilitate the occurrence of heart attack stoppage.
2. Avoid Obesity (excess body weight)
Excess body weight is often a cause of hypertension and high cholesterol in the blood. Someone with excessive body weight more vulnerable if exposed to the risk compared with having the ideal body weight.
In addition, people exposed to risk of other health problems such as diabetes, stroke, and bone fragility.
3. Avoid smoking
With smoking, there is a poison in it to also enter the body. In addition, smoking can lower HDL level (High Density Lipoprotein), cholesterol that is good. Thus, the risk of heart attack also increases.
4. Control blood pressure
If someone has a pressure sistolik more than 140 mmHg and diastolik pressure above 90 mmHg, then it can be expressed as suffering high blood pressure. And he will be exposed to risk of heart attack, because the arterial blood vessel to be damaged when the blood pumped with high pressure in the period of many years. In the heart, arterial blood vessel is damaged akan narrow and simplify the occurrence of freezing, so the blood circulation stopped and the heart attack arose. Lower blood pressure can be done by reducing weight, reducing salt consumption, stop drinking alcohol, and Keep away from food that berkolesterol high.
5. Exercise regularly
Exercise regularly can help protect the body from heart attack. Frequency and duration exercise regularly give positive impact to the body. Avoid exercise in a manner that is excessive, because it can increase heart load. and the result is not obtained the benefit but the accident did not come because I respect the right to berolah sport.
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