Want to keep the heart remain healthy? From now on you change eating patterns. Avoid fatty food and lots of fibrous food consumption is high.
Heart is the organ of the most vital for human beings. Heart healthy will produce the quality of life better. However, not everyone has the heart condition that functions perfectly. Patterns of living that is not healthy can trigger various types of diseases. Heart disease that is found most often coronary heart, the chest pain (angina), heart and rheumatism.
Heart disease coronary heart disease is the most penderitanya. This disease attacks the blood vessel and can cause a heart attack. Heart attack due to the arterial duct clog so prevent oxygen distribution and nutrition to the heart. However, not all heart disease caused by a blood vessel.
There is also a disruption such as abnormal heart rhythms (heart rattle is not normal). The heart of the rattle too slow (below 60 times per minute) is called bradyarrhythmias. Meanwhile, a rattle above 100 per minute with a tachyarrhytmias. All interference is in the heart usually caused by aberration and is usually congenital birth.
Similarly with heart failure or heart failure, known as heart disease is the most frightening. Not mean that the heart can not work at all. However, the heart does not rattle, as appropriate. There is also a disturbance such as heart valve heart disease (heart valve damage) which is a congenital aberration.
Although many species, however, especially heart disease due to stoppage of blood vessel can be avoided or overcome with mengonsumsi foods contain fiber, particularly the type of fiber called betaglukan. In fact, various studies prove, fibrous foods, especially the type of fiber is able to reduce the degree betaglukan bad cholesterol (low densy lipoprotein / LDL) in blood. If the LDL level in blood is low, health heart became more assured.
"Fiber betaglukan itself can be found in processed grain products are known as oat or havermout. Oat Fiber as a charming grin binding fat in the blood and remove them through the dirt," said a specialist in clinical nutrition from the Central Pertamina Hospital (RSPP) Dr Kusuma fatma RD .
Not until there are, the research conducted in the United States found that wheat or oat fiber is soluble fiber that can lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) cholesterol without lowering HDL (good cholesterol). "Fiber also contains oat glikemi low. As such, cereal is very good for diabetics because the level of blood sugar produced after eating a very low," he said again.
High LDL level is the main cause of increased cases of coronary heart. Although there are therapy farmakologi faster to lower LDL, with wheat cereals consume more healthy and without side effects. However, it takes a while.
According to nutrition experts berkacamata thick, the cereal is a good source of nutrition because it contains vitamin E, zinc, selenium, copper, iron, and magnesium. Cereal can be a good source of protein for the body.
To get the maximum results, every day someone should consume 70 grams of oat. The amount must be right because if excessive, the result will not be maximum. One thing that is not less important when the decrease in blood cholesterol level is a sport regularly.
Especially the bad cholesterol, answerable as a cause of coronary heart because it causes blood vessel stopped and harden (aterosklerosis). As a result, the blood does not flow smoothly or clog. If the clog is the flow of blood to the heart, the coronary heart disease occur (PJK). If the leads to the brain, the stroke occurred. Can also prevent the circulation of blood in the legs, giving rise to the color black.
The coronary heart disease should receive due attention to this still was ranked as the first human murderer. Based on the data of the world health body (WHO) in 2001.
Each year approximately 7.2 million deaths due to coronary heart. The process of blood vessel stoppage the sooner this happens when people apply the pattern of life does not often eat healthy food such as fast food, soft drink or drinking sweet drinks too often and does not offset with a white water sports and rare.
Other sources of fiber, in addition to the wheat can also be found in avocado, grape, apple, berry and citrus fruit. Avocado has a womb glutation antioxidants and saturated fat not only useful to neutralize free radicals and the fat that is harmful in the body. In the wine there is a flavonoid, such as catechin and quercentin functions to facilitate the flow of blood, prevent the oxidation reaction to bad cholesterol, and reduce the formation of plaque on blood vessel. "Vitamin C in wine can also neutralize free radicals," he said again.
While the apples are in a lot of pectin, the type of fiber is a useful measure to help reduce blood cholesterol. Pectin binding of cholesterol comes from food. For example, from milk, meat, and eggs, and in order to remain in the intestine.
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