Heart is one organ that is very vital and very important role in human life, because it serves to inflate the blood stream and to the entire body, including to the network and the other organs, such as brain, kidney, intestine, lung, heart, etc.. Blood flow is very important, because oxygen and nutrients needed by the body can transport to the cell network for the life of cells and organs themselves. Nutrition and without enough oxygen, the cell network or organ will die, so that the function of cells in tissue or organs will be disrupted, and this is a cause health disturbances. The amount of interference health varies, depending on the tissue or organ of the body which is exposed to. Health disturbances that occur can start with the interference of light to function with the weight, not even the rarely cause death.
Heart is the organ the size of a small fist and a heavy man about 10 ounces. Although small in size, the organ network structure consisting of muscle and is located in the left thoracic cavity, the very heavy duty, to always have to do with the contraction and regular rhythm in the time period is very long (as long as human life). Therefore, it is necessary that the heart muscle is very strong, because it must berkontraksi (pulse) one hundred thousand times seharinya for about a thousand gallon pumping blood to the tissue or other organs, through approximately sixty thousand mile vein (1 mile approximately 1.5 km) . So to maintain heart health, berkontraksi to stay with a regular rhythm and in a long time, it is necessary to note the work load is to maintain heart function and maintain stability so that the heart is still running good, normal and optimal. Secondly it is often neglected and do not realize when people are exposed to the desire and willingness choice. To keep the heart work load, the duration and time of rest and physical activity should limited in accordance with the condition age. Need to rest enough (about 8 hours per day) and do not impose excessive physical activities, in line with the decrease of heart function due to age factor. Apart from the physical stress on the (environmental conditions hot or too cold) and psychological stress (problem of life, fear, etc.) on the need to avoid, and in the management well. Meanwhile, to maintain stable heart function, factors other than nutrition, the risk factors for a heart disease should also be considered. Risk factors that include excessive smoking (> 1 pack per day), Obesity, and diseases such as fever rheumatik or degeneratif disease, such as hypertension (high blood pressure), hiperkolesterolemia (high cholesterol level), diabetes mellitus (diabetes), etc. .
For nutritional factors, which then needs to keep the heart muscle is not damaged by the stoppage or coronary arterial constriction tube (which supply oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscle cells), so that supply blood to the heart to be reduced. Because if held constant, then the person will experience a heart attack usually begins with pain in the chest known as angina pectoris. Food for the principles of food varied, nutritious, balanced and safe for health need to look at every day. Food variety means in each of the food consumed each day should be the diversity in type, so no need to staple food (rice and the like), side dish pauk animal (meat, poultry, fish, and the like) or pauk vegetable side dish (beans, know, Tempe, and the like), vegetables, and fruits. Nutritious food is in choosing which type of food should be consumed in the womb of nutrition in it, enough so that contain carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals. Food is so balanced in choosing the food in the consumption of the vitamin which is in accordance with the age and gender. Safe means that the food consumption should not contain bacteria, fungi, heavy metals, chemicals (including food additive), etc. that can be dangerous to health. To get a variety of food, nutritious, balanced and secure, then the need to eat well. As for setting a good meal can be made as follows:
First, do not over-eat food in a diverse and contain enough nutrients so the body can be maintained in a condition that enough weight is ideal, and not overweight (Obesity). To use this grip can be so satisfied to stop eating before.
Second, do not over-consume food in the main, such as rice or the like. Consumption of rice from 400 to 500 g per day is sufficient to fit as many as 75 - 80% of total calories needed.
Third, in a side dish consumed pauk animal, do not need to set up redundant. For beef, chicken, and fish just as much as 150 - 225 g / day. To try the eggs can consume 3 eggs ungggas in 1 week.
Fourth, use of oil as just. Choose the oil that contain a single saturated fatty acid, such as olive oil, canola oil, sesame oil, or palm oil, or oil which contains saturated fatty acid ganda, such as corn oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, peanut oil, or oil fish.
Fifth, limit foods that contain lots of fat (susu and products, marine products are fed high, such as squid, shrimp, lobster, crab, rajungan, shellfish) or cholesterol (such as yellow, "jerohan", brain, marrow, etc.), and processed food / so other (corned beef, canned fish, etc.).
Sixth, eating food that contains lots of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, such as vegetables and fruits.
Seventh, try to eat food or drink that contains a lot of antioxidants each day, such as oranges, apples, rosella flower tea, apple vinegar, carrots, tomatoes, etc., to prevent the free radicals that get many of the foods that contain chemicals. Of free radicals is very dangerous because it can damage the tissue or organ cells, including heart muscle cells.
Eighth, use sugar and salt are necessary.
Ninth, avoid consuming beverages that beralkohol.
Tenth, limit food in the form of so / food packaging in the food and try to choose a natural and safe for health.
To obtain the food they can provide a sense of security, indeed the right choice at the moment is to use or take advantage of organic food. Because the use of organic food, at least due to the effects of food containing the chemicals can be eliminated.
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