World Health Organization (WHO), the ratio of heart failure in one to five people every 1,000 residents. Heart disease caused by three factors, including congenital heart aberration, interference in the function of heart valve and coronary vessel function of the blood stream to the entire body becomes disrupted. Smoking habits, stress, lack of sports, diabetes, Obesity, hypertension is a risk factor that can trigger heart disease. Specific symptoms of heart disease is the pain in the chest and the surrounding area, shortness of breath (symptoms of the common found in the failed heart), heart rate and rapid pulse, foot / hand often painful / cold, headache and sometimes fainting. Prevention best you can do is observe the pattern of healthy living with diligent exercise and eat nutritious food regularly.
To know there is no interruption in the heart can be detected through examination by a doctor. At this time has developed a variety of heart examination tool that can help doctors see the condition of the heart in the patient. Some of the checks to detect one of them is with a tool ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY. ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY is a tool for checking the heart of the current use ultra sound waves. This tool has a function of them, provide structural anatomy of the heart and vessel, a role in the diagnosis congenital heart rudiment, rudiment detect heart valve structure of the anatomy such as the stiffness, disturbance of valve-closure, thick, and its movement. In addition, this tool can also help doctors assess the ability of muscle-twitch muscle wall of the heart due to coronary vessel constriction, see the tumor mass as thrombus, vegetation or perikad liquids.
Usually Hospital with advanced technology already provides the convenience of the service checks with ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY for people with heart disfunction. Under the supervision of a doctor, the examination can be done at any time without any special preparation, and will not cause pain or side effects.
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