Still about the type of cancer tuberculosis, there is one type of cancer that is not actually included in the cancer tuberculosis, but because the location is very close to the tuberculosis is usually discussed in relation to cancer tuberculosis. The doctor called Pleural Mesothelioma, the cancer to grow cells from the pleura, the thin layer envelop the lungs. Mesothelioma word comes from the mesothelium, a network of thin layers envelop most of the organs in the body. Consists of two layers, the first layer of paste on the organ is protected, while the second layer form a layer outside the first bag. Mesothelium produce liquids that fill the space between the second layer as a lubricant, to facilitate the movement of organs such as the movement dilapisinya heart pumping blood, and mengecilnya inflate the lungs take in air and release it again. Place is based, have Mesothelium name a few. Peritoneum is a network of mesothelial conceal most of the organs in the stomach cavity. Pleura is the network that separates the network Mesothelial lungs with the chest wall cavity. Pleura layer attached on tuberculosis called Visceral pleura, while diluarnya layer called the Parietal pleura. Pericardium conceal and protect the heart. Network mesothelial reproductive tool that wrapped up the men called in Tunica vaginalis testis, while the woman called Tunica serosa uteri.
Cells in the mesothelium mutation then split themselves are not harmful to the surrounding network called cancer Mesothelium or Mesothelioma. Most cases of mesothelioma begin Pleura and Peritoneum. Mesothelioma of the Pleura called developed Pleural Mesithelioma. Because of Pleural Mesothelioma is a cancer cell is derived from cells Mesothelium, it is not classified as a type of cancer cells tuberculosis. But because the location is very bedekatan the lungs, the usual Pleural Mesothelioma also discussed in relation to cancer tuberculosis.
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